Nana Lohrengel


Nana Lohrengel is born in Munich. She starts working as a bookseller in Berlin at the bookstore Bücherbogen am Savigny Platz and studies at the Buchhändlerschule Frankfurt am Main (known today as Mediacampus). She starts her career working for Könemann Publishing (Köln) in 1998, being in charge as Sales Manager of major German clients, such as Hugendubel and Thalia. In 1999 she moves for Könemann to Milan, becoming Sales Director for Italy, Greece, Turkey, Israel and Middle East. From 2003 to 2005, with Mauro Loce, she works in printing and binding producing mainly visual books for international publishers. Mother of two girls, she decides to take care of her family for a few years. In 2009 she starts working again as a bookseller at the Hoepli bookstore. Since 2013 she is in charge of all didactic activities of the Umberto and Elisabetta Mauri School for Booksellers in Italy. Since 2014 she is General Secretary of the Umberto and Elisabetta Mauri Foundation.